Iranian regime detained 4 people who made video clip in Kurdish

NEWS CENTER - After the video clip made by Kurdish artist Elî Kerîmî for his song "Welat" was distributed in North Khorasan, 4 people who took part in the production of the video were detained.
After the video clip made by the Kurdish artist Elî Kerîmî, who lives in Rojhilat, for his song "Welat" was distributed in North Khorasan, 4 people involved in the production of the video were detained. Taghizadeh Studio in the city of Isfarayen, where the video was shot, was also sealed by Iranian regime forces. Sound engineer and studio manager Hasan Taghizadeh, producer Ali Delfaraz, production manager Hossein Firouzeh and camera operator Jalal Barat Zadeh from Bojnurd were detained after being summoned by local intelligence units.
Previously, Kurdish artists, including Elî Karîmî, in the Khorasan region were threatened by regime forces due to the use of Kurdish clothes and traditions.
Click for Elî Kerîmî's music video.