Başaran: Our greatest force of self defense is our organization 2020-08-22 10:31:28 ANKARA - HDP Women's Council Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran stated that they will focus on organizing  against the attacks on women's gains in the new period, and said, "We will continue to organize reactions against the targeting of the Istanbul Convention." Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Women's Assembly Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran made evaluations on the increasing violence against women, the targeting of the Istanbul Convention and the roadmap of the HDP Women's Assembly for the new period. Stating that have been carrying out a campaign called 'The women's struggle is everywhere', Başaran said: "We stressed that just like the parliament, the factories, the streets, homes are an area of struggle for women as well   IT HAS CREATED A BUTTERFLY EFFECT   Stating that they came together with women through a series of actions and activities during the campaign, Başaran pointed out that one of the most important features of the campaign was trying to break the feeling of loneliness in women. Başaran said, “We also saw how creative women are. With the purple chain actions, women acted with the sense and creativity of protecting both their health and their rights and lives. "   Başaran, who made evaluations about the targeting of the  Istanbul Convention, stated that women are targeted because because they are at the frontlines of the movement against the monist regime the government wants to create. Başaran said: "The government's concern was not protecting women anyway. They did not claim to establish an equal system anyway. The government identifies women only through family. This definition is something to think about."   Noting that HDP Women's Council will focus on efforts to increase its organization in the new period, Başaran said, “We know that our greatest force of self defense is our organization. We think that we must focus on our organization to create our self defense. We will continue to organize the reactions against the targeting of the İstanbul convention and we will be involved in any action against it."   MA / Diren Yurtsever - Eylem Akdağ